Site/Store Optimizations

These projects can range from small-scale optimizations such as making images on your website load faster to larger-scale optimizations such as SEO improvement, entire site loading time, or even conversion rate improvement. Since the scale can vary widely so can the price, although the price typically falls between $80-$400. Here are the more common improvements.

SEO(Search Engine Optimization)

This typically refers to improving your ranking on google and other search engines. This makes it so that when people search for something related to your website, it will come up higher in the search results.

Conversion Rate Optimization

There are many ways we can improve the conversion rate of visitors to your site and will depend on the goal of your website. This typically takes some time to fully implement since there are tests that usually have to run for some time.

Loading Time Improvement

Depending on your website’s platform and hosting service, there may be many reasons your site is loading slower than you might like. We can improve that time so even your users that have slow mobile internet can have a good experience.

Despite these being more common optimizations you may need a more custom solution. Fear not because there are still many other customizations one might need and we’ll be happy to help you with them. Reach out to us if you or anyone you know needs help with any optimization!